And the children will always be there
The photographs and audio recording of this work were taken in the city park in Pristina. It shows two monuments located in the park as they are, the Boro-Ramiz monument, and the Wall of Honor. The Boro-Ramiz monument was built in 1961 in honor of the fighters of the National Liberation War, Boro Vukmirovic (1912-1943) and Ramiz Sadiku (1915-1943). It is said that Ramiz was offered the opportunity to save himself from the Italian soldiers and the Albanian collaborators who had taken him captive, but he refused to be separated from his friend and thus they shot them both. After the war of 1998-1999, the bust of Boros was removed from the monument.
The Wall of Honor is a monument built in 2023 which honors the people who sheltered and saved Jews in Kosovo during the Second World War. Both of these monuments contain traces of difficult historical moments. In this way, confronting the past with the present, through photographs and audio recording, a kind of contrast is created, which tells us that regardless of the difficult past, life will smile again.
Dhe aty do te kete gjithnje femije
Fotografite dhe audioregjistrimi i kesaj pune jane marre ne parkun e qytetit ne Prishtine. Ne te paraqiten dy monumente te vendosura ne park sic jane, monumenti Boro-Ramiz, dhe Muri I Nderit. Monumenti Boro-Ramiz eshte ndertuar ne vitin 1961 per nder te luftetareve te luftes Nacional Clirimtare Boro Vukmirovic (1912-1943) dhe Ramiz Sadiku (1915-1943). Thuhet se Ramizit I eshte ofruar mundesia qe te shpetonte nga ushtaret italiane dhe bashkepunetoret shqiptare te cilet I kishin zene rob, por ai nuk ka pranuar te ndahet nga shoku I tij dhe keshtu I pushkatojne te dy. Pas luftes se vitit 1998-1999, busti I Boros eshte hequr nga monumenti.
Muri I Nderit eshte nje monument i ndertuar ne vitin 2023 I cili nderon personat te cilet kane strehuar dhe shpetuar hebrenjte ne Kosove gjate Luftes se Dyte Boterore. Te dyja keto monumente permbajne ne vetvete gjurme nga momente historike te veshtira. Ne kete menyre duke duke ballafaquar te shkuaren me te tashmen, nepermjet fotografive dhe audioregjistimit, krijohet nje lloj kontrasti I cili na thote se pavaresisht te shkuares se veshtire jeta do te buzeqeshe serish.
Video by Ardit Vila
City Park I
City Park II
City Park III
City Park IV
City Park V