Parallel Session 2: In Search for Landscapes of Repair: Practices of Repair in Urban Spaces

14 July 2021 | 10:45 (CEST)

Facilitator: Ajete Kërqeli (SHTATËMBËDHJETË/Fondation 17)

The project Landscapes of Repair seeks to establish a collaborative platform through the involvement of local, regional and international researchers, civil society actors, local communities and artists with a focus on post- conflict place-making, construction and availability of public space in post-conflict contexts and the transformation of public structures during and after the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia with a specific focus on Kosovo. The following panel discussion will combine academic and civil approaches to explore how war, trauma and violence are still inscribed in urban structures/architecture and politics/policies of space in Kosovo. How are urban structures utilised in a post-conflict situation? Are those spaces still reminiscences of violence? How do memorialisation practices develop in urban contexts? Who are the actors and drivers of these practices? How can new collaborative and civic approaches to dealing with the past be developed?


Vullnet Sanaja

Abstract: This presentation will be focused on Anibar current and past initiatives in relation to the public spaces. The presentation will share information on Reclaim the City! initiative, The Revitalization of Kinema Jusuf Gervalla as a common space and Cultural Spaces Kosovo a project implemented by Anibar aiming to promote Civic Public Partnership for innovative governance of public infrastructure. Through the presentation we will talk about the importance of a vibrant organized local cultural scene as a driving force to preserve the public space. 

Fitore Isufi-Koja

Abstract: FLIRTING WITH LEFTOVERS (Site – specific Intervention, 2019, Prishtina)

From material evidence in Kosovo, there is a considerable number of abandoned modern-architecture buildings which are unstudied (unspecified) and uncategorized in regards to their architectural, historical, cultural, and social values. Apart from the recognized soc-realist/modernist buildings – some of which are functional and/or under protection – post World War II modern architecture in Kosovo includes a variety of buildings. A very important historical, socio-cultural and economic period in Kosovo is noted with the identification of some other buildings of modern architecture whose status is abandoned or without destination. Restaurant “Marsi” refers to precisely this period. Could an artistic action provoke the feeling of experiencing the very presence of the building, while displacing the story which the building in question represents? Could one provoke the perception of the building in question as an experience? Is presence reversible and can it be reconstructed? These were the issues which provoked reaction, namely intervention.


Abstract:  Termokiss is a community-run center in Prishtina with the mission of urban and civil exchange, reflection and changemaking. After revitalizing an abandoned and forgotten building, “Termokiss” social center is open to a range of activities, which can be linked only by being non-for-profit and educative. Activities and organizing processes are managed by the community. The offered activities are determined by both the needs of the community and the skills which the volunteers have to offer. The space works to promote the ideas of mutual aid and cooperation. Providing a welcoming space for everyone, including those whose voices and contributions are not always heard or appreciated, is a top priority for us.